Become a Bird Defender
and you could
WIN a bird feeder
Protect migratory birds and the places that host them.
Canada’s birds, bugs and biodiversity are in trouble. Grassland birds, aerial insectivores, and shorebirds have all experienced alarming population declines, and many more remain at risk. This issue is compounded when we factor in global insect declines and their negative effects on bird populations.
By taking the 2024 Bird Day Defender Pledge, we are asking you to only plant bird and bug-friendly native species in your backyard, gardens and community as a critical part of protecting and restoring both birds and bugs. Native plants provide essential food for bugs, which in turn provides food sources and shelter for birds. It’s a win-win for bugs and birds! Help us deliver a united call on behalf of Canada’s 450 bird species and countless insects whose vanishing songs, chirps, tweets, and caws demand a simple but urgent message: it’s time to stand up for our country’s bugs, birds and biodiversity by planting native species in our communities across Canada.
Add your name to commit to the 2024 Bird Day Pledge to only plant native species in your backyard garden this year and enter for the chance to win a bird feeder. You’ll also learn more about how you can protect birds, bugs, and biodiversity in your community by staying up to date on Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City and Bird Day campaigns.